Category Archives: Design
5 Sources of Online Inspiration You Can’t Live Without
Welcome to the second edition of 5 You Can’t Live Without. In this edition I am going to share 5 sources of online inspiration that I recommend every website designer is familiar with. The focus of the websites I’ve included is particular to following design trends and developing your own style.
This one was an interesting list to put together with so many great online sources out there and that is why I have decided to focus on the artwork angle in particular. So, let’s find out what sites have made my Top 5 list, and which one I consider to be number 1.
Designing for Humans
By it’s nature the web can be a pretty cold place. Reading on screen can be hard and websites can look boring at times; and at worst, confusing and uninviting.
When we come across a site that’s different for all the right reasons, it often sticks in our head because it was an enjoyable experience. Can you remember a site that was warm and welcoming? Where the text was clear and easy to read? The navigation was easy to follow? That site was well-designed. Its designer had the end-user in mind at all times during the design process.
There are not always set ingredients which make the perfect website cake, but there’s certainly plenty of ways to improve your website, and in turn, a user’s experience; to make your site a nicer place to be.